समांतर ऋजुरेखीय भ्रमिल - samantar rrijurekheey bhramil,samantar rrijurekhiy bhramil,samantar rijurekheey bhramil meaning in hindi

अँग्रेज़ी अर्थ उदाहरण
Suggested :
दुक्रित infinite
The first of these was that it assumed that space and time were infinite
तुरत better
In each one of the three types he was better than its special masters.
अधिकारी sense
t may be called street smartness or business sense .
धर्णास, धर्णासि, धर्णी long lasting
These two countries share a long lasting tradition in comics and comic books.
अमात्य minister
The current mayor of Georgetown is former cabinet minister Hamilton Green.
samantar rrijurekheey bhramil,samantar rrijurekhiy bhramil,samantar rijurekheey bhramil अक्षरों की संख्या: 22 स्वर व्यंजन मात्रासहित । Transliterate in english : samaa.ntara RRijurekhiiya bhramila
Related spellings : samaantar rrijurekheey bhramil,samantar rrijurekheey bhramil,samaantar rrijurekhiy bhramil,samaantar rijurekheey bhramil

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